The Assessor is responsible for the valuation of the taxable parcels throughout the Township. Both real property (land & buildings) and personal property (tangible property held by businesses) are taxable. Real Property includes land, land improvements and structures. Personal property includes furniture and fixtures, machines and equipment belonging to a business, certain public utilities, structures on leased property, and other similar tangible property.The Assessor maintains property record cards and develops the assessment roll, land value maps and economic condition factor maps.
Assessor, Scott Anderson
You can also reach me at phone #: 269.621.6290.
Information herein is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.
Appraisers and realtors should personally inspect and measure all comparable properties, subject properties and listings and are using this information at their own risk.
·For specific payoff information for delinquent taxes please call the Barry County Treasurer’s office at 269 945 1287.
·Only tax payments made at or mailed to Baltimore Township will be posted on this website. If tax amounts have been paid to the Barry County Treasurer’s Office, record of payment needs to be verified through that office at 269.945.1287, they will NOT be updated on this website.
June 1st of each year is the date you must legally own and occupy your home in order to be eligible for the Homeowners Principal Residence Exemption, if the school District that you will live in levy’s the tax in the summer. November 1st is the date you must legally own and occupy your home in order to be eligible for the Homeowners Principal Residence Exemption, if the school District you will live in levy’s the tax in the winter. The millage rate for qualifying property is approximately 18 mills less than non-qualifying properties. New Homeowners must apply; this exemption is not automatic. Forms are available on our web site.
Procedural Changes for the 2021 Assessment Year Form
Summary of PA 253 of 2020 Poverty Exemption Changes
Baltimore Township Hardship Exemption Application without Income
Please contact Planning & Zoning at the Barry County courthouse a @ 269.945.1290
For Land Division information please call
the Barry County Planning a& Zoning @ 269.945.1290
BS&A Phone number for assistance; 1-517-641-8900
Farmland School Tax Exemption Form
Principal Residence Exemption Form
Hardship Exemption Application
Procedural Changes for the 2021 Assessment Year Form
Summary of PA 253 of 2020 Poverty Exemption Changes
Baltimore Township Hardship Exemption Application without Income