The Baltimore Township Treasurer collects real and personal property taxes, keeps an account of township receipts (revenues) and expenditures, disburses township checks, deposits township revenues, Invests township funds in approved investment vehicles, collects delinquent personal property taxes, Responsible for jeopardy assessments in collecting delinquent personal property tax, and collects mobile home specific tax.
Taxes are levied twice a year: Winter taxes are postmarked December 1st and due February 14th. Summer Taxes are postmarked July 1st and due September 14th.
After the due dates interest and penalty are assessed. March 1st delinquent taxes go to Barry County. Checks or Money Orders need to be made payable to Baltimore Township. Payments can be mailed to Baltimore Township 3100 E Dowling Rd Hastings, MI 49058 or there is a drop box located in the office door of the hall.
*If a tax bill has not been received or an address change needs to be done please contact my department by phone, (269) 721-3502 or email